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Saturday 13 January 2024

Seize the day

Don't overthink or plan to excess because you will never imagine every outcome and you may well squander the only chance you had... Go with the opportunity and learn from the good, bad and unforeseen. You will always achieve a rare and priceless goal from your experiences... Wisdom. 


Friday 5 May 2017

Perfect imperfection

A perfect sky reflected and distorted in crumpled folds of water is an allegory for life. Nothing is perfect yet the world goes along regardless. Things eat, drink and continue existing without ever noticing these imperfections. Somehow, allowances are made, compromises undertaken and decisions chosen based on and including all the flaws. Somehow, it still seems perfect. Is it because as individuals we chose only to see what we want and need to see? Are we born with filters which allow us to observe and order things in a way that makes sense purely to us? Or are we simply built to accept imperfection and revel in all the ingenuity it forces us to employ in order to work around it? Most of the time, only those directly affected are even aware that anything is amiss... is the whole of life approximate in one way or another and is this what makes all our experiences so utterly unique?

Set your sights

You have a mountain to climb
It may be steep, but there will also be gentler slopes and some of them downhill.
It may be cast in dark shadow or bathed in blinding light.
There will be sheltered spots or exposed dangers.
You will be rivers to cross but water is vital.
Hurdles may need to be overcome, but sometimes these will give you purchase for the climb, or shelter from the elements.
For every up a down,  for the dark there will be light,  there may be noise or peace
But for the view you receive on achieving your climb it will all be worth it.


Not all choices are stark. 
They are not all ones of life or death.
Yet all point us in a direction in the end. Whether we intend them to or not. The need to take a specific option may sometimes seem unnecessary, even ridiculous, some decisions can be made without a moment's hesitation, may hardly feel like choices at all. Yet there are those who would have us believe, every one sets in spate a parallel universe of possibilities... and perhaps this is exactly how it goes. 
How many times have choices apparently led to amazing coincidences? Or chance meetings and events have occurred which change entire lives and all because of an insignificant selection, perhaps as simple a thought as whether to turn left or right... or even what to wear today? 
Admittedly, some choices are vast. They are monumental and can be terrifying. They have immeasurable impact. Some are life changers, game changers, planet changers... like where to put the cross on that election ballot paper, who to marry, whose life to save, and whether or not we should go to war. Some may cause hurt, pain or suffering, others give relief. We may agonise for hours about moral dilemmas; or truth; or fear; and the implications of what we choose to do. Yet, one thing is obvious, it is the ability of all choices, no matter how seemingly insignificant, to affect whatever outcome our lives may receive as a result. This is truly is mind blowing...


Calm and peace hold hands at last
They call those weary souls to find rest
Settle down to watch the slowly ebbing sun
As songbirds sing their lullaby to the day
Stumbling down the path to slumber
Heavy eyes and gentle hearts nod in time
Quiet will caress a weary cheek
Releasing the enormity
Of restful sleep


It's pretty amazing. It travels at a constant speed but can withstand being bent, refracted and deflected. It shines for millennia and across impossible distances. It is the daylight, the provider of life for our world and similar stars guide us through the night too. As humans many cultures view light as divine. It is revered in festivals throughout the world. In those climes where the hours we receive alter with the changing seasons many view the loss of daylight with fear and celebrate its return with joy. Solar eclipses which rob the world of its life bestowing light in apparent bite sized chunks before its triumphant return have also been observed with awe and fear. Light can serve as a warning, telling us of danger or it can welcome us to shelter, warmth and safety. Light can be used to transfer messages, pictures, news. It is of almost immeasurable importance. Not so strange then, that it should be used to depict hope, for without it's guiding influence we are all lost.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Two in one

Wherever you go
Take me with you
Tucked into the folds of your soul
Let me walk with you
A comfort in dark times
Calm when you are troubled
Light should you get lost
Feel the strength of my encouragement
The heat of passion
And peace of contentment
Knowing my soul
Walks with yours
Step by step
I run when you do
Lead if you falter
Hold you back when caution should stem your exuberance
I lend you tact if you lack diplomacy
Tolerance and understanding
If yours should fail
Harken my advice
Recall that a moment's reflection
Can quench a war
Since words once said or deeds the seeds of regret
Cannot be undone
If anger seers you
Let my counsel calm you
To turn it to the best
Not lost in aggressive, senseless waste
I wish to constantly accompany you
Through every path you travel
With you knowing I want only the best for you
I hope this will guide you always
And hold you forever safe
My love